Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Just Keep Swimming

Does anyone remember the movie “Finding Nemo”?  There is a character named Dory, who has one of the best lines of the movie, and it can really relate to our lives.  I can write it all down, but why when you can see it for yourself here:

Sorry for sticking that song in your head.  Lol. 

But, maybe I’m not, as the point that Dory makes there is great, and it’s exactly the message that God has for us.  When life has you down you have to just keep swimming.  Think about it for a minute.  Life isn’t easy, and God never said it was going to be.  However, He did say that we should just keep going.  There will be roadblocks, but He’ll get us through it.  Faith in God is the light in the dark tunnel of life.  He will not only show you the way, but He IS the way, the truth, and the life. 

Sometimes we need to be reminded of these simple things….even if it’s in a kids' movie!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

On The Wall

Did you know that people often get awards for doing things?  Kids get awards for getting straight A’s or perfect attendance.  People who work can win the employee of the month awards.  And of course you can win awards like actors and athletes do that are given to them at huge award shows.

Yet, these awards don’t show you exactly who the person is as a whole.  These awards are just a symbol of an accomplishment that the person has reached.  The awards get hung on the wall or put on a shelf and are often forgotten about after a while, just collecting dust.

You see, the actual symbol for what you are as a whole isn’t something that you can put on a wall or shelf, but instead it is the compilation of the sum of your parts.  It’s the life that you lead each and every day.  It’s the light that you shine in the world for God.  It’s not the person you try to be on Sunday at church, but instead it's who you are each and every moment of every day that you are on this planet.

All too often we get that wrong as Christians.  We try to show off like the awards we’ve won by putting it all out there for the world to see.  All too often that quick show is forgotten, only collecting dust.  God doesn’t want your life with Him to collect dust.  He wants you to show up and live for Him each and every day.  He wants you to do not just one thing for His Kingdom but instead to work harder and harder every day to be the light in the world that He expects you to be.

My question today is this:  Are you hanging your accomplishments for His kingdom up on the wall and just happy that you earned that one, or are you striving to earn more and more every day?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back In Time: What Are You Chasing?

Again this week I decided to go back in time a bit and re-post an older Momentum for everyone to read again.  I think the lesson here is solid and so I wanted to share it again.  This was originally posted on 4/24/09.  Don't worry, I've got new stuff in the works for the next few weeks.

We make fun of animals that chase their tales. We enjoy infants who chase after their older siblings. We chase after the next promotion or pay raise at work. The question is, are you chasing the most important thing of all: Jesus!

Of the things that we follow in life, I know that I personally am more than willing to check in on my favorite sports teams and see how the game is going or what the score was if I missed it. I read the paper to make sure I'm following what is going on locally inpolitics, sales at the local stores, and local sports teams. Yet, I'm not quite as good at keeping up with the one thing that is most important, I'm not the best at daily reading the Bible. 

A lot of people don't think that it's important, and I was one of those people for a long time. Yet, here I sit thinking that I need to do something in the word every day. Yes, I read a few devotions every day, and I try (and I mean try, as I hate reading more than you'll ever understand) reading a book focusing on him. Yet, I realize more and more every day that I don't know the Bible the way I should. How can I keep the enemy from getting a foot hold in my life without having the proper weapons to fight him off? The answer is, I cannot. 

So, overall, what am I saying here? I'm saying that although I'm an Elder at the church I'm not perfect and don't do everything I should do every day. I will say this, the first step to taking care of that is figuring that out. I'm striving to get better and chase HIM on a daily basis. Yes, doing a devotion is a good start, and doing my book reading is good as well...but if I'm not fully involved in the word then I'm just taking the easy way out. So, are you chasing Him, or being like I was and not fulling preparing for today's battles? Let's work together in strengthening God's army by making ourselves better prepared warriors: Let's chase Him every day.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Garage Sale

This past weekend we had a garage sale at our house.  As we were conducting the sale one thing really hit me over and over again.  The fact that a garage sale isn’t just for one type of person.  Anyone can have a garage or yard sale.  And anyone can go to a sale and at a minimum look over the people’s offerings.  A garage sale doesn’t say you have to be a certain height, a certain gender, a certain race, rich, poor, or anything like that.  It’s an all-inclusive thing.  It’s for anyone who puts forth the effort. 

Why do I mention this in my blog this week?  Because in this regard a garage sale is like God.  He lets all who want to come to Him and have Him a part of their lives that same access.  There are no height, gender, race, or fiscal requirements.  God wants to be a part of everyone’s lives. 

Isn’t it amazing how little things, even a garage sale, can remind someone of God and His love for us?  What has reminded you of God lately?