Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Building Momentum

How often do you see a child run before they learn how to walk? Do most athletes get to be professionals without ever playing in high school? I know, most teens get their drivers license before they ever get a lesson, right? Then why do new Christians often think that they have to completely change everything in their lives the day they are saved?

I'm not saying that it's not a good idea to get rid of a lot of things from the old you, but I think that sometimes people try to get rid of everything so fast that they end up forgetting what drew them to Jesus in the first place. I think that people really need to see this as a process instead of an inhalation of their former self. When people make such drastic changes in their lives many find that they don't like who they've become ,and end up falling away from God all together.

God knows who you are, and who you are going to be. He knows that you are not perfect. In fact people, he made us this way. Yes, there are changes that you are going to find inside of yourself along the process, and many things that were in your past life will be gotten rid of in time. He has a plan for you in all of this and the transformation will take place in his time. For some that may be right this very minute, but my thinking is that it's step by step.

I know that it has taken me a long time to get to where I am now in my life. When I first became a Christian I still listened to the same music, watched the same TV shows, had some of the same friends, etc. It was over time that these things changed. I've found I don't want the sports magazine just because of the once a year swim suit magazine. I've found that I don't watch the same movies as many had a lot of language I don't need to hear, or sex I don't need to see. I lost a few friendships because our goals in life just didn't meat up any more. Yet, this all didn't happen all at one time - it was gradual. I also didn't have to get rid of everything that made me who I am, I just had to adjust some things. I'm still a big sports fan, that only changed in that I don't spend all my free time eating up all the sports knowledge I can get. I'm still a big music buff, I just changed the music's lyrics by changing to bands, singers, and groups that had God as the focus instead of sex, love, and rock and roll. Traci and I still enjoy watching TV and movies, we just don't have to watch the stuff that makes it seem like life is all about sin, greed, and stuff like that.

I know that some times it's been hard to give things up to God because they use to be so important to me, but I've realized that he's even more important than anything else in this world. It's not always easy, but that is why he's right there walking with you the entire process. It's also why he's filling your life with good things that in time you'll really learn to appreciate. Keep on fighting the fight, it's worth the struggle. Take the process one day at a time, stopping to smell those roses God planted along the way.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What Are You Chasing?

We make fun of animals that chase their tales. We enjoy infants who chase after their older siblings. We chase after the next promotion or pay raise at work. The question is, are you chasing the most important thing of all: Jesus!

Of the things that we follow in life, I know that I personally am more than willing to check in on my favorite sports teams and see how the game is going or what the score was if I missed it. I read the paper to make sure I'm following what is going on locally in politics, sales at the local stores, and local sports teams. Yet, I'm not quite as good at keeping up with the one thing that is most important, I'm not the best at daily reading the Bible.

A lot of people don't think that it's important, and I was one of those people for a long time. Yet, here I sit thinking that I need to do something in the word every day. Yes, I read a few devotions every day, and I try (and I mean try, as I hate reading more than you'll ever understand) reading a book focusing on him. Yet, I realize more and more every day that I don't know the Bible the way I should. How can I keep the enemy from getting a foot hold in my life without having the proper weapons to fight him off? The answer is, I cannot.

So, overall, what am I saying here? I'm saying that although I'm an Elder at the church I'm not perfect and don't do everything I should do every day. I will say this, the first step to taking care of that is figuring that out. I'm striving to get better and chase HIM on a daily basis. Yes, doing a devotion is a good start, and doing my book reading is good as well...but if I'm not fully involved in the word then I'm just taking the easy way out. So, are you chasing Him, or being like I was and not fulling preparing for today's battles? Let's work together in strengthening God's army by making ourselves better prepared warriors: Let's chase Him every day.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's Time For A Resurrection!

Today's title is due to my love of the movie Leap of Faith. You gotta see that movie, it's pretty funny.

That is right, it's Easter this Sunday! I know that to many in the world, that means only one thing: The Easter Bunny!

As exciting as the funny bunny ,baskets filled with candy and gifts, and coloring Easter eggs can be, I wanted to make you aware that Mr. Bunny there isn't the reason we have Easter at all.

Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead for everyone one of us. He bridged the gap between us here on earth and our Heavenly Father. He knew that we were all sinners, and yet still was willing to do this for everyone one of us over eating, too much stuff buying, over tanned sinners! (Sorry Lep, had to do it - I'm jealous of the cruise man)

Now, the question for many parents is how do we teach that to our children? How do we show them what it means for Jesus to be placed in a tomb that was closed off to the world and him rise to be with His Father? One thing that we do with our kids is called Resurrection Rolls.

These are not only a great teaching illustration for your kids, but they taste pretty good as well. Now, I did the work for you, and found a web site that you can use to get the directions, which also has what all the parts represent, etc. You can find that here: It's very cheap to make and doesn't take that much time either.

Now, I'm not saying this should be the only thing you do to celebrate Easter, but I am suggesting that if you have kids, this is a great teaching tool. Oh, and another great thing you can do with your family. Happy Easter, He Is Risen!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You Are Who You Are...right?

Have you ever thought about who you wanted to be before you became who you are?

I know, you are sitting there thinking that it's a strange question. But seriously, what did you want to be "before you grew up"? As a child you probably thought about being a police officer or firefighter, a princess or a doctor. Did any of that happen? I'm sure everyone thought to themself that they wanted to be a Christian, right? Did you even know that that meant way back then?

I'm here to tell you, that your heavently Father knew all along what you were going to be when you got all grown up. He knew the struggles that you'd face, the good and bad times that laid ahead, and that you'd sin "from time to time". Yet, through all that, he loved you when you were easy and difficult to love. Now I don't know about you, but for me that shows some major love. I also know that it's that love that draws me closer to him every day. Sure, there are days that I'm not perfect (ask Traci, she has a running list going I'm sure) but his love guides my life, and I pray that if you don't have the relationship with Jesus that I have found that you take the time and ask me. I'd love to talk to you about it, and maybe we can "grow up" together!