Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's All Over

Have you noticed that the political ads have gone away?  I know, it happened a few weeks ago and life is already returning to normal.  You’ve got all the old ads back that you already wish were gone again.

What would you think if Christians and non-Christians had that kind of battle over the airwaves for the lost people of this world?  We could approve messages that attacked the other side, and they would do the same.  Do you think that kind of barrage would win over people for Christ?  If you said no, then why does it work in the political system?

If you said it’s all about gaining attention, then you are right.  And, I think as Christians we often don’t go out and make enough of a fuss about why people should support our candidate Jesus Christ.  Instead we let the other side tell the lost that our candidate can’t help them.  Our candidate isn’t worth supporting because He’s going to lose, at least according to the other side.

I don’t know about you, but I’m 100% sure that our candidate is going to win.  He’s not only going to win, but the other side isn’t going to have a chance in this election.  And I’m not afraid to support my candidate loud and clear for all to hear.  The question today is, are you as well?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It’s Not About What You Don’t Have, It’s About What You DO Have

This time of year it’s easy to look at all the deals on things we want at the various stores and want to buy almost everything.  We see all of the “stuff" that we don’t own and we instantly want it because someone we know has it and it’s really cool, or they are really cool.

The problem with that thinking is that there is only one thing that we need more of in our lives.  It is not something we’re going to find in an ad.  It’s not something you can buy at the store either.  What we need more of in our lives is God.  Yet, we tend to clutter up our lives with so any things that only keep us from connecting with Him.  We buy bigger and bigger TVs, better computers and gaming systems, Apple’s latest and greatest items, phones with the latest and greatest apps, and so much more.  All of which distract us more and more from God and our relationships with Him.

Now I’m not saying that we can’t go out and buy some of these things.  My point today is that we need to evaluate all of the “stuff” that we own and buy.  If we have so much that it’s keeping us from God, then we may need to reevaluate our real need for it all.   Don’t let all the “stuff” get between you and your relationship with God. 

If we are truly pursing all of the “stuff” of life how then can your relationship with Him grow?  It’s at least something to think about. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Remote Control

So just about every day I use a remote control of one kind or another.  Most of the ones that I have at home are for the electronic devices like the TV, Blue Ray player, etc.  I’d also add into that a video game controller or computer mouse as they really are just sophisticated remote controls, right?

The other day when I was using a remote I started to think about how easy it makes my life.  Most remotes allow me to be lazy.  They keep me from having to get up but still get the things I am seeking.  Yet, spreading the word of God isn’t something I can do in that same manner.  Often I’ll just expect people to see me and know I’m a Christian and want to be like me.  What if instead I was active and went to them and showed them God’s love instead of sitting at home on my couch?  Would I reach more people for Him?

Today I just ask that you stop being lazy and start being active for Him.  Don’t just sit on the sidelines pushing buttons and expect things to work out the way you want them to.  Instead, get up and get going the way He wants you to.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Add A Date

So there are two really important dates in everyone’s lives.  Those obviously would be the day you were born and the day you die.  For those of us who have a relationship with Christ, that adds another important date to the calendar.  Right?

But here is my question to all my Christian friends:  Why don’t we celebrate this date every year as well?  Why don’t we put that out there as a Facebook status like we do our birthdays, anniversaries, birth of our kids, etc.  Are we all afraid of what others will think?  Are we embarrassed?  Oh, and don’t worry, I’m including myself here as well!

So, today I am starting a movement of sorts I guess.  If we are truly proud of the relationship with Christ that we have, then it’s time to proclaim it for the world.  It’s time to let everyone know how proud we are of knowing Him and that just may make others want that relationship as well.