Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

There was a time in my life where Memorial Day just meant another day off school or work.  Or maybe it meant double time at work. 

Over the years my outlook has really changed.  I’ve gained a greater understanding of what those in the services really sacrifice in order for all of us to have the freedoms that we enjoy every day.  I’ve come to understand that not only the individual sacrificies, but their families do as well.  Let me explain further through my experiences this weekend.

One day this weekend I was able to enjoy being with my family watching a parade while we were at my parents' house in Port Clinton.  As the years went by the kids have really enjoyed the many entries  in the parade, but they have not always enjoyed the service personnel.  Yet this year there was a gentlemen in full uniform, handing out things to the kids, and I noticed my children have a genuine connection with a solider for the first time.  We also enjoyed veterans and active military personnel as well as law enforcement personnel as they walked or drove by in the parade.  The fact that they were there wasn’t lost on me, that is for sure.

Then on Sunday I was talking with Jim, a friend of mine,  who not that long ago was actively on the front lines fighting for our country.  He left behind his wife and two children when he had been gone.  When we were talking I was flooded back with memories of the weeks after he’d returned home and the love all three of them had for Jim when we saw them.  I also remembered the time when he was most recently away and how strong his wife was during that time, thanks in part to a great support system at home through family and friends.  Each one of them sacrificied for our freedom when Jim was away.  Jim missed some time watching his kids grow up, his wife had to take on the roles her husband normally filled as well as her own, and those young kids missed their father for what was probably forever to them.

Later that day I was able to spend time supporting a young man named Caleb who left just yesterday for the Army.  The love around the house from those who came was very evident.  His family was strong, knowing that their son/oldest brother was about to leave.  Yet, they are all giving up something with his leaving, even if it will do both him and our country good to have him there.

Today I had a discussion with a friend named Erik who has been active in the military as well.  It was great catching up with him today, but after the discussion I started to think about his sacrifices as well.  Yet, he made it through, and in my mind he is a model husband and father who leads his family the way he feels that God would have him lead it.  They’ve made some hard decisions over the years, but it was for his family…just like any good father would do for his.

To all of those who have served, who are serving, or have sacrificed in any other way to have people serve, I’d like to thank you with all my heart for those sacrifices.  You’ve given all of us the ability to have the freedom to do things like have the conversations that I have this weekend, attended the events I have, and so much more.  God  bless each and every one of you and your families. 

I hope you all had a great Memorial Day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Proud Father

I know in this space, and especially on my Facebook page, I all too often brag about my children’s achievements.  I’ve been known to discuss their sports, and even from time to time, their academic exploits.  (Though the latter not as often as I should, though all three do great in school). 

I just can’t help talking about my kids because I am a very proud father.  I thoroughly enjoy watching all of their games, attending the school events, (ok, some events more than others) and just watching them succeed in all areas of their lives.  I like to share all that they’ve done with others.

I began to think about this from God’s point of view.  I started to think about how often He would be proud of what I do every day.  How often do I achieve things that would make Him smile and want to share my achievements with others.  As His son, don’t I want to make Him as proud of me as I am of my own kids?

How about you?  How often do you make God want to brag to the world about your accomplishments?  How often do you make God smile every day? 

Our goal as children of God is to make Him happy.  Just as our own children do things (at least when they are younger) to make us happy, we need to do the same things for Him as well.  What have you done for Him lately?  If you haven’t made God smile lately, maybe you should start trying again today.   

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Slip & Fall

So this last weekend my son Noah had a birthday party.  He had invited a number of his friends all over to have a game night.  The party started at 7pm, and since the majority of the guys liked to play football, we started the party with two hours of two-hand-tap football in the open field behind our house.  I was asked to play along with everyone to make the teams even, and we played a number of games and the players on the teams kept rotating. 

It was during the last game that something happened that I didn’t expect.  I was punting the ball during a kick off when my left foot must have slipped and I landed with all my weight directly on my back.  The unexpected fall took me by surprise and knocked the breath out of me.  I took a moment or two to figure out that I wasn’t dead, or at least injured in any major way, and then finally got up and continued playing the game.

I bring this up today as when I was looking back at what had happened one thing really stuck out to me:  When I’m not paying attention it’s really easy to slip and fall backwards.  No, not just when playing a sport, but in my spiritual life as well.  Things in my spiritual life can be going along just fine as I may be praying daily, reading my Bible , worshipping Christ, and talking with others just as God says that I’m supposed to be doing.  Yet, if I take my eye off the ball for a moment, it’s possible that I could slip and fall.

Yet, I don’t think that is the main point that God was trying to show me.  I feel that the main point is that the fall is probably going to happen, no matter how much I try to avoid it.  What is more important is how I get back up after the fall.  If I had slipped and decided to never get back up, what good would I be for my team?  If I fall spiritually and just lay there, what kind of example will I be for the world that is looking at me to see what I’d do? 

Today what I want to impress on you is that you will more than likely have times when you slip and possibly fall.  God knows that.  What is the true demonstration of your character and your faith in God is how to rebound from that slip and fall.  Do you stay there and give up, or do you dust yourself off and get back in the game?  God knows you aren’t perfect and that there will be times when you go down.  What He expects from you is your desire to get back up and keep up the fight for His cause.  To continue the fight against sin.

Are you ready?  Can you get back up again after you fall?  I did, and I hope you can as well.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feasting on Crumbs

The other day I was thinking about the crumbs that were left on my plate after eating dinner.  Why the crumbs got my attention I may never know, but I really started to think about how they relate to my spiritual life. 

You see, I know that there are days when I only give Jesus the crumbs from my life.  I’m just too busy and make excuse after excuse for why I can’t fulfill my obligations to Him.  Instead of giving Him the main course, I give Him the leftover crumbs.  It may not even be a conscious decision, but instead something that just develops as the day goes on. 

As I thought about it more, I was wondering how I’d feel if the roles were reversed.  What if God wasn’t the great God that He is and only could give me a little blessing today? What if He just was too busy to walk with me through my day today?  How would that make me feel?  When I look at things this way, my priorities change.

Have you ever had a day when you just didn’t give God the attention that you know He should have?  How did that day work out?  Would it have been better if you’d prioritized God instead of something else?

My point today is that God doesn’t deserve the crumbs.  Give Him the main course and see what He does with the crumbs that you have left over for everything else. I guarantee that those crumbs will be a lot more plentiful in your life with this arrangement than the other way around.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Give Up

You know, it really amazes me how easily people give up on things these days.  You see it all the time, and in all aspects of life.  We’re such an instant gratification society these days that if we don’t get the results that are desired right away, then we just throw in the towel and go towards something else. 

What ever happened to the old saying that anything worth having is worth working for?  When did hard work stop paying off?  It must have happened since my parents raised me, as I was taught to work for the things that I want.  I was taught that anything worth doing was worth doing right.  I mean, if I gave up so easily I wouldn’t play sports now, would have never got into a second relationship after my first, etc.  Yet, early failure didn’t deter me; instead it made me more determined to reach the goals that I had set.

I see this same problem in some people’s Christian lives.  They get a relationship with Christ and it’s easy going at first.  Some things go great when they give it all to God, and many things are good.  Then all of a sudden they find a pothole in the road and overcorrect on their swerve.  Some see that pothole and instead of driving around it, they turn around completely and don’t travel the road any more.  Why do they give up?  Did they think that life was going to be so easy?  Or was it all of a sudden not worth the effort?  

Today I want to impress upon each of us that the effort is going to be needed in your  walk with God.  It’s not going to be smooth sailing all the time.  In fact sometimes things can get harder before they get easier.  I mean, the devil didn’t worry about us when we were on his side, then we change teams and he starts to notice and tries to find a way to get us back on his side.  We will be attacked.  Things will get harder.  If we truly believe that the life with God is worthwhile then we need to put in the effort.  Don’t give up so easily.  Know that the payoff in the end is so much better than anything we’ve already had in your life.

God is worth it.  You are worth it.  Never give up on God as He’ll never give up on you.