Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tragedies = Heroes

I have been reflecting on the Boston marathon bombing over the last few days. I have been thinking about how horrific that had to be for anyone who was there. I have also thought about how messed up someone has to be in order to even plan out and execute something like that.

However, the thing that is really getting my attention is the fact that so many heroes come out of events like this. How people stop all that they are doing and are willing to do anything they can to help others.  Some do this by responding with their physical abilities right when they are needed. Others do this by donating time and/or money after the events.

Yet the biggest lesson that I get out of events like the Boston bombing, the recent hurricanes, and even 9/11 is how we as a people come together when we stop dividing ourselves. The people who responded didn't look at someone needing assistance and ask them if they were a Republican or Democrat before responding. They didn't ask people what religion they were. They certainty didn't go help someone else instead of the one person in front of them just because they were a different skin color.

God doesn't want us to be divided in this world. He wants us to be united as one people, His people. He wants to bring us all together to win over the hearts of non-believers for Him. It doesn't matter your political affiliation. It doesn't matter if you are poor or rich. You can be white, black, or green behind the ears. None of that matters.  When we stop dividing ourselves and instead work for a common goal we can truly be a force in this world.

As you reflect on the recent tragedies in the world I hope you see all of the heroes out there and how they all banded together to improve the world around them. When you see this unitedness I hope you get a glimpse of God in everyone working together. And I pray that this will help to energize you further to get out God's message as well as have tolerance toward those around you.

God bless America.

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