Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's Not Easy

When I first started to think about having kids I knew that it wasn’t going to be an easy thing.  I knew that diapers weren’t going to be my friend.  I knew that there was going to be the birds and the bees talks as well.  Yet one thing that I didn’t think about was all the time I was going to be investing.  I knew there would be helping with homework and sports (ok I was hoping there, and thankfully it has been realized!). 

My weeks are almost completely run by my children’s schedules.  With three kids and their various events it’s all that Traci and I can do to keep our heads from spinning off.  Almost every night we have at least one kid with a practice or game.  Then you add on their homework and other school events and that is a busy schedule.  Then, as a Christian family we also have church events that we add in there.  Oh, and Traci sells Pampered Chef, I move tables and chairs at our church, and we both try (she more than I) to get workouts in, have meals to make, laundry and housekeeping stuff to do, etc.

That is a pretty busy schedule, one that I never had dreamed of when I first thought about having kids.  People often ask me how we do it all, and I’m extremely honest with everyone.  If it wasn’t for us not only having God in our lives, but having Him first in our lives, none of this could be accomplished.  We might not always make it to church on Sundays but we live the Christian life every day.  To me that is the key.  God has to be #1 for us.  Then my family comes second, then everything else. 

God never promised any of us that life was going to be easy.  He never promised that raising kids was going to be easy.  (Especially in this day of social networks, the internet, cell phones, video games, and the list goes on.)  Yet, through it all I love this task that God has given me.  I can’t predict how my kids will end up as adults.  However, I know that God has His hands all over the three of them, and that with His guidance we’ll get them to where He wants them all to be.  It’s not going to be easy, but living our lives with God is worth it.

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