Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Saying Isn't Believing

He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!

This is one of those sayings that is brought up every Easter in churches, on Facebook, and among family and friends.  It’s a great saying and is very powerful. 

Yet with most things repeated by people I often wonder if those saying the lines really know what the saying means in their lives.  I often feel that people just know the line but don’t feel the story behind it when they speak it. 

He is Risen!  - Jesus rose from the grave not because He had nothing better to do.  No, He did this for each and every one of us.  He knew that we’d all need a way to be with God and He provided the way.   This wasn’t something He had to do, but just like His dying on the cross it’s something Jesus was willing to do for you and me.

He is Risen Indeed! – Not only did Jesus ascend to Heaven for all of us, but He did so in such a way that no one could say that He wasn’t God’s son.  How else can you explain the fact that the tomb was empty without anyone moving the boulder at the entrance?  Only God could make such a thing happen.  This allows all of us to know that belief in Him is true and the only way to Heaven. 

My point today is that reciting such things is great, but truly believing in the words that we speak is the key.  I believe with 100% of my soul that Jesus is the way to Heaven, and I hope you do as well.

He is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!

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