Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Protection From The Big, Bad Wolf

Everyone remembers the story about the three little pigs, right?  They each build a house with a different type of material and in the end only one is protected from the big bad wolf.

Have you ever applied this thinking to your spiritual life?  You can build yourself a spiritual life that is pretty shoddy and the big bad wolf known as the devil will easily be able to take it down.  If you build one that is only partially stable, then it may take a little longer, but the big bad wolf will still find a way in. 

What if you were to build that spiritual life out of the best materials you can?  Do you think that it could withstand the hardest and longest huffs and puffs from the wolf?  Do you think that any weak spots could easily be built back up and only make it stronger and stronger?

The next time you are under attack spiritually from the big bad wolf, I want you to think about the structure that your spiritual life is made from.  If it looks like it may be weak, it just may be time to rebuild that structure, only this time stronger than ever.  Having a prayer partner, joining a small group, reading His word, and individual prayer are all examples of ways to rebuild that structure and gain the protection you seek.  Yes it’s not always easy to fit that into a schedule, but it is better than letting the big bad wolf knock your house down, isn’t it?

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