Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Nail Clipping

Have you ever clipped your nails?  I’m guessing if you are old enough to read this you’ve done it once or twice in your life.  (Or should I say, I hope you have!)  Why do you clip your nails?  I think it’s obvious.  You clip them in order to get rid of something you don’t need or that gets in your way.  They get to a point that you just can’t handle them the way they are and so you have to do something about them. 

The funny thing about your nails is that they all seem to grow at different speeds, right?  One won’t need clipped when you clip the others, and then a week later it’ll need clipped when the others do not.  It’s an endless cycle of clipping and possibly even filing them down.  Yet, you continue to do the maintenance on your nails because it’s needed.

Sin is a lot like your nails.  Different sins can creep up in different areas of your life and you need to keep doing the maintenance in order to not to allow them to interrupt your life.   The problem is that we don’t often see sin this way.  We let one sin creep in, and instead of taking care of it when it becomes a problem, we let it linger.  As it lingers there, the sin keeps growing, taking up more and more space.  If you allow it to stay in your life long enough it may even become a permanent fixture and can lead to other sin finding a way in.

What if we started looking at the sin in our lives like a finger nail.  As soon as you notice it, you should take care of it and keep it in control.  Don’t let it grow like crazy and make things difficult in your life.  It’s time to deal with these intrusions as soon as you see them and clip them in the bud.

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