Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gift Giving Time

Well, it’s that time of year again.  The Christmas music has already begun in some stores, and they are lining up to take our money for the many gifts we’re all going to be buying this year.  Now I’m a shopper, so I enjoy this time of year.  I enjoy searching for deals and getting my family gifts that they’ll enjoy at lower prices so that I can buy them more gifts.  I like meeting people while I’m shopping…the general good mood that most people are in (there are exceptions). 

With all of that said, I would like to point out one thing.  As much as I love to give gifts to my family, the best gift I can give them is my showing them how to have God as a part of their lives and discipling them through that relationship.  I know that often I write about reaching others for Christ, and most of the time that focuses on those in the community, at work, etc.  Well, your most attentive audience is probably in your own home, and often we do a horrible job at discipling them because we think they are just going to do what we do.

This week, I just want to remind everyone to be intentional as you go through this holiday season.  Make sure that your family knows not just that you are a Christian, but also WHY you are a Christian and how you live that life every day.  Don’t just assume that they know.  It takes practice for all of us to grow as Christians, but it also takes instruction for us to show others the right way to live their lives.

This is one gift you can give this Christmas that will keep on giving.              

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