Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Yep, I was there!

On Thursday and Friday I was one of the crazy people who were out shopping the Black Friday deals.  I’d researched the deals for at least a month and had a full game plan in hand when we went to do our shopping.  I didn’t feel that we had to wait in line for hours before a store opened for anything we wanted to get.  We just went for some good deals and fun with one another.

For the most part our experience was very positive.  Other than the guy Noah is calling Godzilla who knocked him over at Wal-Mart by diving at the video game display, everyone else was really nice.  The workers weren’t all that stressed overall and were friendly.  We lasted over 7 hours out shopping before we called it a day.  That is 7 hours without sleep in fact – when we normally would have been sleeping.  Yes, crazy – I know!

I bring all of this up because I wanted to point out that there is a good way and a bad way to do things like Black Friday shopping.  We went prepared knowing what was on sale and even used store maps when available to know where the deals would be before we stepped into the stores.  We’d also scouted out some of the stuff the weekend prior so we knew sizes to buy, etc.  We were prepared, we knew what we wanted, and we went out and got it.  Sure, there were some changes to the plan due to circumstances, but being prepared the way we were allowed us to adjust on the fly without any major issues in doing so

How often do you have a game plan when it comes to your spiritual life?  Do you have a plan on what you’d like to study in His word?  Do you plan out that you’ll pray every morning while at breakfast or at the coffee shop?  Do you make Jesus a priority and make sure you get the time with Him that you really desire?  Sure things will happen to get in the way or change your plans, but when you have a plan of attack you’ll get what you want in this area as well. 

If you truly desire a life with God that has Him at the center and not you, then you have to be prepared.  You have to have a game plan and execute it.  If you are prepared for studying the Bible, prayer, fellowship with others, etc. etc., then you’ll be able to easily handle bumps that come in your spiritual path and still get the most out of your spiritual walk with Jesus.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Are You Chicken, or Just a Big Turkey?

So why is it that we often have problems witnessing to those in our own extended families?  Why is it that we have a loved one who needs Jesus in their life, and instead of talking to them about that we talk about everything else when we see them?  Why can we go up to a neighbor or a complete stranger and discuss God but not a family member?

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we’ll be seeing those family members time and time again and we are afraid of rejection.  Yes, we’re just big turkeys!  Instead of insuring those that we love are with us in Heaven, we talk about the weather and our kids.  We have a problem fulfilling our calling from God because we don’t want them to reject our ways, or look down on us the next time we see them. 

Here is the biggest question this week:  What if God wants you to be the closer on this job.  Maybe He has you set up to be the one who seals the deal.  Then again, maybe you are the spark that lights the fire in their heart for God!  How can you not talk to that family member when you see them over the upcoming holidays?  It’s much better to eat a turkey this Thanksgiving than be one yourself!

Have a blessed time with your families this Thanksgiving, everyone!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gift Giving Time

Well, it’s that time of year again.  The Christmas music has already begun in some stores, and they are lining up to take our money for the many gifts we’re all going to be buying this year.  Now I’m a shopper, so I enjoy this time of year.  I enjoy searching for deals and getting my family gifts that they’ll enjoy at lower prices so that I can buy them more gifts.  I like meeting people while I’m shopping…the general good mood that most people are in (there are exceptions). 

With all of that said, I would like to point out one thing.  As much as I love to give gifts to my family, the best gift I can give them is my showing them how to have God as a part of their lives and discipling them through that relationship.  I know that often I write about reaching others for Christ, and most of the time that focuses on those in the community, at work, etc.  Well, your most attentive audience is probably in your own home, and often we do a horrible job at discipling them because we think they are just going to do what we do.

This week, I just want to remind everyone to be intentional as you go through this holiday season.  Make sure that your family knows not just that you are a Christian, but also WHY you are a Christian and how you live that life every day.  Don’t just assume that they know.  It takes practice for all of us to grow as Christians, but it also takes instruction for us to show others the right way to live their lives.

This is one gift you can give this Christmas that will keep on giving.              

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Have A Cold

For the last few days I've had a cold.  It hasn't stopped me from doing anything, but it just has lingered and has me really run down.  I've got the classic sore throat, congestion, cough, etc.

Obviously, the way to get rid of a cold is to take some medicine to assist your immune system with fighting off the symptoms.  That is exactly what I'm doing, and I know that eventually this cold will go away.  I also realize that I'll probably get another cold at some point this winter as well.

I mention the cold that I have because it reminded me of something from my spiritual life.  There are times when I get run down when it comes to doing the things I should be doing for God.  I just don't feel like reading the Bible, praying, witnesing, etc.  I know the symptoms and I know how to fix the problem.  Yet, just like when I get a cold, sometimes it takes me a few days before I wake up to the problem and start to apply the solution.

Do you ever get that way in your spiritual life?  Do you go through times when you aren't your normal self and realize that fact, and still take some time to fix it?

Today I'd just like to leave you with this:  when you know the problem, the quicker you apply the solution the quicker the problem will go away.  It's just like this cold I have.  I didn't start taking medicine the first day I noticed the cold, but instead waited a few days.  Now, it's been awhile and I still have the cold.  Would I have started the meds earlier then maybe I'd be done with this all, but instead am still fighting off the cold.  Be smarter than me with this cold....apply the solutions and get yourself back to full strength right away!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Halloween Review

7 Billion Dollars

That is how much money is estimated to be spent by Americans for Halloween THIS year. 

That is how much money was spent THIS year with huge unemployment numbers in this country.

That is how much money was spent THIS year with tons of people in personal bankruptcy, in foreclosure, etc.

Now I’m never going to be the person to tell you how to spend your money.  I don’t know your personal budget after all.  Yet I find it hard to believe that the cities, schools, and churches are cutting budgets all over the place in this economy, and yet everyone will have candy, decorations, etc. this year.  Does anyone else see a problem with this?

If we’re really going to live the way God wants us to live our lives, we need to be smart with our money.  We need to prioritize with our money better than this!  We’re putting ourselves before God, and then we wonder why we’re not blessed. 

I know that normally I try to put a pretty little bow on these blogs, but this week I just can’t do it.  We need to be smarter with our money, and this Halloween is just another example of where the priorities of the majority of Americans really are.   We may be keeping America’s economy alive with all the spending, but God’s economy is left behind. If we truly want to live the life that God has for us, maybe we need to examine our finances and see who we’re really serving.