Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Making Time

Lately God has been impressing upon me that there is a big difference between making time for God, and making Him first in my life. I’d been trying to find time to take part in other activities and then find time for Him, instead of vice versa.
As simple as that concept is, I still fall into this trap time and time again. I’ll say yes to playing on a sports team, helping with my kids' events, doing a church ministry, etc. which then doesn’t allow me to do the reading and praying that I need to do.
So the question is, how do I overcome this? How do I put God first and everything else in its place? It’s actually an easier answer than you’d think. By having God first in my life everything else will fall into place, making it all easier to accomplish. I can fit that stuff in, learn to say no when I need to do so, and still do other stuff because I have the daily focus that He desires me to have.
Today I ask. what things are you putting before God? What do you need to do to place things in the right order again? How much more can you do with a change in your priorities? Those are the differences when you go from making time for God instead of doing what you should, making Him first!

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