Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Plan

This time of year it is very easy to make plans for almost every day of the month of December. Most of us have family events, sporting events, kid's school events, church events, etc. It get to be the busiest time of the year in fact. Day after day we run from one item on the to-do list to another.

In the busyness it will be very easy to forget the real meaning of Christmas. We plan for all of the events, we plan all of the meals, we plan the presents, but do we plan to make sure God is at the center of everything we, especially this time of year?

As all of us plan our ways through this advent season, I wanted to just throw out a reminder to make sure you plan time for God in your day-to-day events. Without Him at the center of all you do, you'd easily get the plan wrong and forget the true meaning of Christmas.

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