Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Crossed Signals

I don’t know about you, but I’m really confused. As far as I can remember the TV companies have been telling us how much better our lives will be with bigger and bigger TV screens. They’ve made them thinner, wall mountable, and even 3D in today’s market. Then, all of a sudden these same companies start to try and sell us on these hand-held TVs! Is anyone else confused?

This is a lot like what many Christians do in the world. They go to church and say and do all the right things. Then, they go to work, ball games, and other events and act like Christ isn’t a part of their lives at all. There is no wonder non-believers don’t have a clear understanding of God. He isn’t shown in people’s day-to-day lives!

I understand that there may be reasons why a smaller hand-held TV may be nice to have, but I can’t understand why a true believer can’t live the life that they say they believe. Are you crossing the signals you give out to others in the world?

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