Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Video Games

You know one of the great things about a video game? You have control over the character in the game and get to make all the decisions. You can make him/her go left, right, up, or down. You can make them stop and go on demand, jump, fly, whatever else the game allows. You get to determine the course of the character’s life in the game. You get to say how much the outside forces of the game can control the character, which is another plus!

Now look at your life. How much in control are you? How easy is it to keep those outside influences from making you do what you want? Why is it that in real life those influences seem to be so much stronger and have more weight in our decision making than in the game we were just discussing? Why is it that we so often find ourselves doing things that we don’t want to be doing?

Maybe, just maybe, the answer is in who has their hands on the controller. You are trying to control everything that goes on with the “you” character, instead of allowing the person running the game to do their part. Can you imagine playing Super Mario Brothers and fighting with the game to control Mario? How many levels of that game would you complete at that rate? Yet, every day all of us try to keep control of our lives away from the one who has the best ability to make sure we win the game: God.

This next week, start to loosen your grip on the controller of the game of life. Let’s see what He can do when you aren’t fighting Him to run the course of the main character’s life in the game – it just may help you win every day.

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