Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I think we are all well aware of the term “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” My question today is what do you do when that something is actually broke? When it comes to your spiritual life, I think you have at least these 2 options:
1) Just let it be – Yep, you are disconnected from God, and instead of doing anything about it you just let it be what it is. You don’t work to fix it and instead you just stay in the dark not caring about being in the light any more. This is too often what people do because they don’t see a value of the relationship they had with God in the past. The relationship they had in the past was fun while it lasted and now that they feel that they have worn out their welcome they leave and don't worry about what they've left behind.

2) You work to get it fixed – This is the one that takes a lot of time and effort some times. Your relationship with God might be totally blocked by the many obstacles you have allowed to come into your life and it’s going to take awhile to work through all of them. You've let TV, friends, sports, sex, work, and many other things come between you and God. Yet, you find it worth fixing the problems and making that relationship whole again. As you work towards repairing the brokenness of your heart you will find that the best glue you can get to put all of the pieces together again is to trust Him completely again. When you give the repair job in God's hands it will amaze you how the pieces of your life will come back together again.

Which option are you taking right now? Take the time to examine your options and where you are today and get back to putting the puzzle of your life back together today, trusting God to fill in the gaps and fix all of the brokenness in your life..

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