Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Second Meal

I’m sure each and every one of you have made a meal in the past that has in which you have made a little bit too much food. Of course, you didn’t want to waste that food, so you put it in the fridge in order to have a second meal at some point later in the day or week. Yes, those seconds are called leftovers. We all have had leftovers at some point in our lives and I don’t know about you guys, but unless it’s something I really love, leftovers are not something I really want to be having. Those leftovers just never seem to taste the same reheated, and most of the time at least some of them get thrown away because we’re never going to finish them all before they go bad.

So, we’re all so against having leftovers, then why are we so quick to serve them to God? What do I mean, you ask. Well, how many of us put God off to the side while we work towards the many ambitions that we have of our own? You know, you have someone in your life who does not know about God, but today you can’t go talk with them about it because you have to get your hair cut, stop at the store, etc. Or, maybe you put off reading the Bible or doing your devotions until after the game is over on TV, or you mow the lawn first, etc. Did you even realize that when you did that, you put God second, and in the feast of your attention you now forced God to have the leftovers? The left over minutes of the day that you have left.

I’m guessing that if any of us had God over for dinner, the first things we’d do is look in the fridge for leftovers to warm up, right? No, you wouldn’t? Oh, so you’d be willing to cook Him a brand new meal and put all of your attention to making that meal just perfect for Him? Then why don’t we do that every day? Why do we not start our days focused on Him? Why don’t we prioritize reading the Bible and doing things for His kingdom first before all the other little things? Why do we let the world get in the way of God?

We talk a lot at church about prayer and being closer to God, but I don’t know if we always put it in such plain terms for people. If you truly want to be closer to God you’ll start making Him a priority and stop serving him what ever is leftover.

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