You do know that you are a sinner, right? I mean, c'mon…. About 90% of you reading this have already sinned at least once today. Want me to prove it?
-Maybe you checked out that person of the opposite sex walking by you with that second glance.
-Maybe you lied to someone, even a little white lie. Maybe you even lied to yourself, such as speeding on the way to work is just fine because it’s only a couple MPH and they’ll never pull you over for that.
-Maybe you cursed today
-Maybe you were jealous of someone else as the drove by you in a better car, or had better clothing, or even what looks on the outside to be a better life.
-Maybe I could name about 30 other things, but I think that is enough to get us started, don’t you?
So, now that you realize that you are more of a sinner than we seem to think that we are at times, what can you do about it? First off, stop lying to yourself that it doesn’t matter. It does matter. Secondly, stop telling yourself that since they aren’t big things like killing someone that it’s not that big of a deal. It is a big deal.
Sin is sin, no matter how big or small. The biggest problem with sin is that we often do it and don’t even see it as sinning. Yet, here we all are sinning every day. Yes, I included myself there,didn’t I? I’m no better than any of the rest of you – I’m not perfect. There has only been one perfect person on this Earth, Jesus.
Now that you fall short of being Jesus and are getting over your God complex, seeing your life for what it is, now what? I think now you need to start realizing when you actually do sin. That is half of the battle, knowing that you did it. It’s kind of like being an addict – you have to admit that you have a problem before you can take care of it. So, knowing that you sin and when you do it will allow you to find a way to stop doing it. Find a way to change and stop doing that sin.One by one you’ll eventually be able to get rid of at least the big ones.
Now, you’ll never get rid of them all, as we were made in the image of God – we weren’t made to BE God. You’ll always be a sinner in one way or another. Yet, if you are continually working to remove sin from your life you’ll not allow the devil to have a foothold in your life. Our goal as Christians should be to improve ourselves daily and work towards a closer relationship with He who forgives our sins – Jesus Christ. I pray that this week you’ll start to take a closer look at your life and start to take out the weeds from the garden called your life.
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