Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Clearing The Way: Wanting It All

This is the 2nd part of an ongoing series, started last week with the intro.

People, we live in a society that tells you every day in every way that you should want more out of life. You should want a bigger house, a bigger TV (ok, I fall victim there, just ask Traci), the newest movies, etc. They tell you in commercials, on billboards, in stores, and even in movies. Is it ok to want “stuff” in your life? I’m pretty sure that is just fine…but it’s what you do to get it, or how badly you want it that can be the problem.

Are you willing to beg, borrow, or steal for the things that you want? I mean, when you use credit to buy the stuff, you are doing one of those, right? (We’ll get into that more in the future.) Have you ever begged your spouse or parents for something until you got it? If you have kids, have they done that to you? What happened right after they got the item they craved? Yes – we all find something else that we want.

Why is that we want something else right away you may ask. I would say that it’s partly the thrill of the chase. It’s fun to work towards getting something and have something you are shooting towards. The rest may be because we’re not happy with what we already have. I mean, I already have a 27” TV in my house, but it doesn’t have HDTV, and it’s not a flat screen. If you have the same, then you know that all sports are now broadcast for the people that have that stuff, not people like me. If it was for everyone, would I lose half of the graphics, or not be able to read the scores scrolling by on the bottom line? So, of course I want the full experience, and the only way to get it is to get a new TV, right? What an example, here I can live with what I have, but I want something else just to see the rest of the stuff, right? (Ok, I have to mention that our TV also has been dropped twice by the kids and now the DVD connectors don’t work, another annoyance….)

Ok, back on track here (enough of my complaining about my TV) and to the root of the matter: God will provide for you all that you need, and more, for your life. You have to trust in Him and, although maybe not in your time, He will get you what you NEED. I’m sure that when my TV dies, God will provide us with something else. You need to realize that you don’t need the brand new this or that just because it’s out. You don’t need to replace everything you have every year or two. Instead, clear your life of all of the extra “stuff” and allow Him to provide for you. When you and your wants get out of the way you just may find that your needs are being filled in ways you never imagined.

As our good friend Lep said when he proofread this for me: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you."

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