Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Clearing The Way: The Culture Of Sex

Sex Sells, right? I guess the proof has to be in the pudding as if it didn’t sell, they’d stop shoving it down our throats all the time, right? We’re told every day by the world that if we buy this product then we’ll attract the opposite sex, or if we use this product then our spouse/boy or girlfriend will be all over us, right? Do you believe the world, is what they are saying true?

I point the above out because I think that it’s become such a large part of our culture that it’s not even recognized at times. It’s become second nature for the people around us to be half naked showing off everything that in the past you had to “round the bases” to see. P.D.A. has become the norm, not the exception. Do we not realize that all of this is just causing problems in the world?

Why do more marriages fail now than ever before? Why are more and more kids having kids? Why is it so strange to see the mother and father of all 2-3 kids in the family actually being married and still together? Do we not realize what is going on here in the world? I think not.

I’m not one to normally say this or that is “from the devil” usually, however is there any other explanation for what is going on around us? Yes, God made both man and woman to be beautiful, but I don’t think he told us to make sure we flaunt what ya got all over the world! We are under attack, and in my mind this is one area that we are losing ground every day. The night before I wrote today’s blog I went and watched the new Transformers movie. Now I was a big fan of the animated series, yet I don’t remember there ever being a time when a robot could transform into a mostly naked female. Why did they add that to the movie, along with the already overly sexual female lead from the first movie? It is because they want to draw in many more young male viewers. (I personally will not be seeing another Transformers movie because of that and the language they threw around like no one would care, but that is another story) It does sell.

To conclude this section of the my clearing the way series, I pray that you are now even more aware of what is being thrown in front of you on a daily basis. This is just another way that you are being kept from God, and I didn’t even mention the porn industry until now. You need to be aware of what is there, and clear as much of it from your life as you can! If you want to fulfill your calling and promote God’s kingdom, then you need to be aware of these items, and clear as many of them from your life as you can.

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