Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Raise your hand if you have a blue bin of some shape or size and regularly put stuff in it in order to recycle.  Yeah, I have my hand up too.  We do this because it’s better for the environment and hopefully will allow our children and their children to have a better world to live in, right?

So if so many of us are willing to do that with paper and plastic, why aren't we all willing to do the exact same kind of thing with all of the knowledge that God has given us?  There are many times when people will talk about this big huge thing that God did in their life right after it happens, but why isn't that message being recycled over and over again for others?  Obviously we’d do this for the same reason we recycle the paper and plastic stuff, right? We want a better world for our kids and their kids, right?  Isn't having God in more people’s lives a worthy cause?  If so, then we need to recycle the knowledge He’s given us by sharing it with others as well.

I’d encourage you today to start, or increase, your recycling of what God is doing and what He has done in your life.  God doesn't give us experiences for just our benefit.  He knows that we can touch others with our stories of His love.  He knows that those people who are touched can share as well, and His love can just grow over and over again.  So, go out and recycle to help the world!

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