Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Spiritual Medicine Cabinet

The other day I was looking through our medicine cabinet at home.  I have to tell you, we have a ton of stuff in there.  It’s almost like we’re prepared for anything; yet, whenever we need something, it seems like we don’t have anything to fill that need. 

Has your spiritual life been that way before?  You feel like you are fully stocked as you’ve read your Bible, you’ve prayed, and you've been to church.  You feel like you are fully stocked against anything that the devil may throw your way.  Then all of a sudden something comes up and those supplies are inadequate.

Why does that happen?  How can you feel prepared but instead not have what you need?  Well, this is one thing that I know; unless you are keeping up, those supplies can expire. 

Now you may be asking if all the Bible reading and prayer can expire at this point.  My thought there is that every time that you spend time with God there is something new that He is teaching you.  He speaks to me differently when I read the same Bible stories.  One time He teaches me about this part of the story and the next it’s something entirely different.  Also worship music can hit me in different ways depending on the circumstances which I’m in when hearing it.

So, my point today is that you should never feel fully prepared.  You should always be rotating the stock in your spiritual medicine cabinet to make sure that you have whatever is needed when the enemy attacks.  Keep on reading your Bible. Keep on worshiping God.  This will keep you ready and not finding yourself in need later.

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