Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Correct The Message

If you have watched pretty much any TV show or have listened to the radio at all you’ve probably heard a ton of political ads being run for both of the presidential candidates.  We’re being told at every commercial break the things that the other candidate thinks is wrong with his opponent.  Now, I’m not going to get political with you here and tell you who to vote for, as personally I think you should just vote, and who you vote for is your choice.  Instead I want to point something out to everyone.

If you had heard the messages, then I’m guessing you are just as tired of them as I am.  Frankly I’m sick and tired of all the negative ads that both sides have been putting out, which has really begun to hurt the credibility of both sides in my eyes.  But, with that said, it has made me realize something when it comes to my spiritual life in regards to witnessing to others.  I think that a lot of time we point out to the people in the world all that is wrong with their way of life.  We tell them all that they are doing wrong and think that this is the best approach to winning lives for Jesus.  Yet, just like the negative political ads, this approach can often have the exact opposite effect.  Instead, the person we are witnessing to then gets turned off by the negativity and goes even further away from the one person in the world that can really change their lives. . .God.

How many more lives would we win for Christ if we focused only on the positives of what God can do for someone’s life?  Yes, it’s not an easy road for some to get here.  However, if the person being witnessed to  finds enough reason to walk with God, maybe they will make that decision!  If we shine the light away from telling people all they do wrong and focus on what God can do right, do you think we’ll win more lives for Christ?

When witnessing, what do you focus on?  Is it what they are doing wrong, or what God can do right?  If your focus is on the wrong it’s not a problem, as that is easy to change. 

Today is the day…and this is an election you want to win.  Go out and campaign – promoting all that God can do to all whom you witness to…starting today.

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