Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

There was a time in my life where Memorial Day just meant another day off school or work.  Or maybe it meant double time at work. 

Over the years my outlook has really changed.  I’ve gained a greater understanding of what those in the services really sacrifice in order for all of us to have the freedoms that we enjoy every day.  I’ve come to understand that not only the individual sacrificies, but their families do as well.  Let me explain further through my experiences this weekend.

One day this weekend I was able to enjoy being with my family watching a parade while we were at my parents' house in Port Clinton.  As the years went by the kids have really enjoyed the many entries  in the parade, but they have not always enjoyed the service personnel.  Yet this year there was a gentlemen in full uniform, handing out things to the kids, and I noticed my children have a genuine connection with a solider for the first time.  We also enjoyed veterans and active military personnel as well as law enforcement personnel as they walked or drove by in the parade.  The fact that they were there wasn’t lost on me, that is for sure.

Then on Sunday I was talking with Jim, a friend of mine,  who not that long ago was actively on the front lines fighting for our country.  He left behind his wife and two children when he had been gone.  When we were talking I was flooded back with memories of the weeks after he’d returned home and the love all three of them had for Jim when we saw them.  I also remembered the time when he was most recently away and how strong his wife was during that time, thanks in part to a great support system at home through family and friends.  Each one of them sacrificied for our freedom when Jim was away.  Jim missed some time watching his kids grow up, his wife had to take on the roles her husband normally filled as well as her own, and those young kids missed their father for what was probably forever to them.

Later that day I was able to spend time supporting a young man named Caleb who left just yesterday for the Army.  The love around the house from those who came was very evident.  His family was strong, knowing that their son/oldest brother was about to leave.  Yet, they are all giving up something with his leaving, even if it will do both him and our country good to have him there.

Today I had a discussion with a friend named Erik who has been active in the military as well.  It was great catching up with him today, but after the discussion I started to think about his sacrifices as well.  Yet, he made it through, and in my mind he is a model husband and father who leads his family the way he feels that God would have him lead it.  They’ve made some hard decisions over the years, but it was for his family…just like any good father would do for his.

To all of those who have served, who are serving, or have sacrificed in any other way to have people serve, I’d like to thank you with all my heart for those sacrifices.  You’ve given all of us the ability to have the freedom to do things like have the conversations that I have this weekend, attended the events I have, and so much more.  God  bless each and every one of you and your families. 

I hope you all had a great Memorial Day.

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