Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Giving Like No One Else

I’m pretty sure that every time I write about money on here I mention the name Dave Ramsey.  He’s a financial counselor whom I listen to almost daily on his nationally syndicated radio program and whose teachings I subscribe to in my financial life.  The title of today’s Momentum comes from a promotion that Dave is running on his web site:  www.daveramsey.com

Dave and his team are giving away all kinds of different items to people who enter each and every day of the promotion.  This promotion is something that I enter every day, even though I’ve never won anything from all of my entries. 

I mention this promotion for two reasons.  #1 is that I want to share the opportunity with all of you, even if it hurts my chances.  The more of you that enter, the harder it is for me to win, right?  Still, I try to be selfless, lol.  #2 is that I want to be giving like this someday.  Now I don’t think that I’ll ever have my own program and be giving out all of this stuff, but it’s the idea that I really like.  I would love to someday have the ability to bless others with things that they want or need.  I long for the day when I can give the waitress/waiter a $100 bill as a tip just because they provided good service at the restaurant.  Or to see someone who has a need and make a payment for them, etc.

My question today is, shouldn't these be the goals of all of us?  Shouldn’t we all want to get out of debt and then be able to bless others who are less fortunate than we?  Wouldn’t it be cool if all we asked in return from those whom we bless is that they someday pay it forward (great movie btw) and bless someone else when they are in the position to do so as well?  What kind of world would we live in if God's people were all blessing each other, and all working our way out of the bondage known as debt?

As this holiday season kicks into full gear I’d like to encourage all of you to give if you can this holiday season.  There are numerous people who need coats, food, and shelter in your area.  Find ways to donate items, food, or money to organizations like a food bank or Salvation Army that help those who are less fortunate.  It’s time that we all grasp the holiday spirit with both hands and open our hearts to those in need, just like Dave is doing – to bless one another.

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