past weekend as I stood on top of my roof I had one thought going through my
head, I gotta get this work done so I can get off of here! That is right,
at that point I was determined to get the work done. What got me there,
let me explain.
at least two months ago I decided that I was tired of paying Time Warner
Cable for TV channels. I was looking for ways to cut some costs and I found
alternatives to allow our family to still see some TV shows we enjoyed. The only thing we were really going to miss
was sports. Then a little over a week ago, after weeks of research, I
purchased a TV antenna for my house that would hopefully get us at least the
main 4-5 local channels I wanted, which would allow us some football
games, etc.
on Thursday I had a friend come over and we worked on putting the antenna in
the attic. We got everything hooked up just fine, but the results were
bad. We didn’t get much of anything receptionwise, and after a few hours
of work we gave up for the night. I then went and continued researching
what to do, and finally resolved that I’d have to put the antenna outside on
the roof. I’d avoided that because I’m not a lover of heights, and I
didn’t know what I was doing. Well, after much research Saturday came along
and I had everything I needed to get the job done. A different friend was
there to hand me whatever I needed, but I was going to be the one on the roof
doing the job. I had two choices, either not do it that day, or do
it myself. Well, I was determined to get the work done as I didn’t
think we’d get another nice day like that when I had the time, so I took the
steps up the ladder and got up on the roof. Long story short, I now have
an antenna up on my roof that is properly wired and securely attached and it’s
something I accomplished even though I’m not all that handy overall.
reflecting on this adventure I was able to get a perspective that I didn’t
expect at the time but have come to appreciate since. When we’re
determined to do something, we can accomplish our goals even if we didn’t know how
to accomplish that goal prior to doing the work. I was determined to get
a clear signal for my house. I was determined to do it right the first
time. I was also determined not to be rushed to the ER from falling off
the roof!
often are we as Christians determined to accomplish a goal? How often are
we determined to reach someone for His kingdom? How often are we
determined to do that one thing that we feel He’s asking us to do in order for
others to do their part for the kingdom of God? This weekend I was
determined, God gave me the great conditions to work in, and not only did I
accomplish my goal, but we also receive a number of other channels I had never
even hoped to receive. You see that my determination to complete the goal
not only allowed me to reach the finish line, but I received more than I could
have imagined before. What if we actually completed all the goals that
God gave us to achieve?! Do you think we’d all be even more blessed than
we hope? Do you think the kingdom would be blessed? Are you willing
to be determined for God and achieve His goals?
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