Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Not Exactly The Plan

So I help out with one of my son’s baseball teams. I enjoy helping teach the kids the basics of the game and watching them develop throughout the season.

The other day we had practice on a cool, windy, and (go figure) rainy evening. We had plans on what to do with the kids but the outfield grass wasn’t in the best shape. So, now we have 10 kids and we’re trying to figure out how to keep all of their interest in a smaller amount of space. All of a sudden it hit me. We could split them up into two teams and play 5 on 5. This would give all the kids an opportunity to play in a game situation while only using the infield.

After splitting up the teams quickly we got to work with the kids. Now this is practice number 7 or 8 with this team and we’d done bits and pieces, but many hadn’t seen how it could all work together yet, as they all come from different playing abilities, backgrounds, etc. Well, it turned out to be the exact thing that all of these kids needed. They all really got involved with the practice. All of a sudden it wasn’t just doing drills, but instead it was game time. All of the kids had their chance to hit and field and all did really well. Sure there were teaching points that needed to be hit upon, but the overall response was incredibly positive.

The reason I bring this up is because there will be times in your life when things just don’t go according to plan. You’ll want to spend time doing a Bible study or at an event that you can’t attend. You’ll instead be interrupted, and that thing will eat up all the time you had originally set aside to do what you had planned.

I want you to know that God knows what your intentions were and He will definitely honor those intentions. It’s possible that He’ll find you in a different way that day that may be even more powerful than what you’d had planned. That distraction could lead to an encounter with a person who doesn’t know Him, and you could help them start their journey to a relationship with Him. Maybe it’s a child that needs your attention and that time spent with your child will be a chance for both of you to be closer to God, or a way that He’ll show you His grace in another way.

Whatever the reason that the plan didn’t go as planned, do not fret. It’s very possible that God had other plans for you at that time. Just like at our practice the other day, sometimes even though a plan changes, it doesn’t mean that something even greater won’t come out of it.

1 comment:

  1. Eric, I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work. I always liked the quote, "Make God laugh. Tell Him your plans." Through the years, I, too, have had my plans interrupted and too often, I'd frown and reluctantly follow His plans. But the smile on the face of a friend in need or an honest word of gratitude lets me know that "Father Knows Best." Aunt Jo
