Tuesday, February 8, 2011


When I finished college I thought that my days of doing homework and studying were over. Well, God seems to really like practical jokes, and one that He got me with was that with kids comes homework once again. On average every week my wife and I spend at least 2-3 hours per week helping the kids with homework by reviewing their answers, having them read things to us, helping to study for tests, etc. How funny our God can be, eh?

As I think about it more though, we all should be doing our own homework as well. There is saying that goes something to the effect that the minute you stop learning, the minute you start losing. It takes into the thought that others will continue to advance their knowledge, and that if you don’t do the same then you will eventually lose to others.

This thought process definitely works into our spiritual lives. If we as Christians aren’t always advancing by doing our homework then we give the devil a foothold. We must continually be reading the Bible, praying, etc.

Now, I think I write this to slap myself on the wrist as much as anyone else. I know that I don’t do as much as I should in these areas. Yes, I read spiritual sites, blogs, and devotionals sent to me every day. I also pray alone and with my wife on a regular basis. I am a part of a group that meets together on a semi-regular basis. Yet, is that enough? No. If I’m not regularly reading His word, I fail just like anyone else who doesn’t do the same thing.

So, this week I, along with many readers, am getting a bit of a wake-up call. It’s time to put the focus where it should be. I have to get back to doing homework. Instead of just settling for a C maybe I need to strive to get an A again. How about you?

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