Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Have you ever looked at a mostly used toothpaste tube? It started out completely full and easily allowed you to get the toothpaste out. Then it began to empty and it gets a little harder, and then at the end you have this mostly used tube just sitting before you. It is almost out of its contents and you could probably squeeze out more if you wanted, or you could just replace it.

How many of you will do whatever you can to get the most out of that tube? How many of you will discard it in favor of the new tube?

Now look at that tube in your mind and change it to your spiritual life. When you start out it’s easy to get the most out of it and spread it wherever you want the contents. As you move on, it is still partially full but could use some refilling, and it’s not as easy to pass on the contents to others. Then, as you continue to move on and don’t refill it, you end up with hardly anything left to give. You could easily discard your spiritual walk in favor of other things (the world) or work to push out that last little bit.

My point this week is that if you aren’t looking to refill your spiritual life, you will eventually end up at the end of the tube. You’ll either choose to go back to your old ways, keep pushing out the little bits you can get, or get a refill. Yet, if you keep refilling it throughout the entire time you are using it, you’ll always have a fresh tube. Now, you can’t do that with an actual toothpaste tube (not without messy results at least), but you can do it with your spiritual life. Refill your tube by spending time in His word, spending time with other believers, praying, listening to Christian teachings, etc. Don’t ignore the need for refills, or you’ll end up with an empty tube of toothpaste on your hands.

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