Tuesday, September 14, 2010


In service on Sunday Pastor Bruce talked about men proposing to their girlfriends. I thought back to when I was going to propose, and man, was I nervous! Let me tell you our story.

I set up asking Traci for a few months. We were going to Europe as chaperones, as my dad (a French teacher in Port Clinton) takes a group over every other year. Before we left I had asked Traci’s dad for his approval. I had bought the ring and had arranged for my mom to hold it during the trip so I wouldn't lose it, and it wouldn't be seen if my bags were checked by security. I had even circled the date on the itinerary and arranged with my parents for pretty much everything I could plan ahead of time.

So, through all of that planning, there were still things I couldn’t control. First off, I couldn’t be 100% sure she’d say yes! I mean, I was aiming for the sky in asking such a wonderful woman to marry a guy like me. I also couldn’t control the environment we’d be in. 1998 was the year that France hosted the World Cup and there were crazy drunk people from tons of nationalities all over the place. Oh, and the weather. For some reason I can’t control the weather either.

Now it’s the day I had planned to ask Traci to marry me. We were in Paris (gotta go with the romantic city, right?) and it’s raining at the time we’re suppose to go up the Eiffel Tower. My dad knew what lengths I’d gone through to set this up, and as the group decided to go to the Eiffel Tower another day, he worked it so they would go up the tower with us, giving some crazy excuse to Traci which she said she believed. We arrived at the observation deck and my parents went to another area, leaving us alone. I took Traci over to look out the window , and as I pointed something out to her, I got the ring out and asked her then and there (still reminded that I didn’t kneel down – in my nervousness I forgot!) asked her to marry me. Now the moment of truth came, the biggest variable, if she’d say yes. Thanks to God’s grace, she said yes!!!

So, what did I get out of this other than getting to spend the rest of my life with this great woman? That day it really hit me that I couldn’t be in control of everything. I had planned out just about everything I could, yet not everything went as planned. I didn’t plan for it to rain that day. I didn’t plan for the group not to go up the tower that day. I also couldn’t control what her answer would be. I had no back up plan if she said no, though I’m sure it would have put quite a damper on the rest of the trip. Yet, God worked out the details for everything to work out. We were still able to go up on the tower, and although the view wasn’t as great as normal, there were a lot less people around and we were able to just enjoy the moment. My parents could also be there and just enjoy the moment without having to worry about the students on the trip at that time. (Don’t worry, they were in good hands.)

In our lives, there will always be things we can’t control. Yet, through it all, God has a pretty good grasp on things. The problem is that sometimes we try to get in the way. We try to handle it all ourselves and keep Him out of it.

The next time you have something big to plan, pray for God to be in control and allow Him to manage it all for you. Sure, you’ll have work to do to prepare – but allowing Him to be in control will make it all run better than your control could ever do.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Eric, I needed to be reminded of that tonight! I am facing some really difficult foster parenting problems right now and I need to keep things in perspective and remember God is in control...I am not. Remind me of this again in a few months...haha Thanks, wonderful story!!!

