Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Writing Again About The Church

So I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what makes up the church. I know that I’ve said it quite a few times up front when I've been Elder Of the Day at church. I also blogged about this in May, but yet god keeps talking to me about this subject. The church isn’t a building. The church isn’t the songs that are sung on Sunday morning, or programs run throughout the week. The church isn’t just the staff that makes the building run.

Instead, the church is all of the people that are a part of it. You are a part of the church, I am part of the church. Our sharing of our lives and experiences with one another is what makes us stronger as a unit. If you don’t get something out of the sermon or other teaching this week, does that mean that the church has nothing to offer you?

What if instead of trying to get something from the teachings you instead go and try to invest in the lives of those around you. Start with just one person you know on Sunday and just spend some time getting to know them better. Then week after week try that with another person, then another, etc. At that point you’ll be invested and truly working to make the church stronger. Through that you will probably find yourself being enriched as well.

So, as I say quite often, the church is more than just a building, programs, teachings, etc. We’re all a part of the church, and when we work on building a stronger foundation we’re able to grow and show the rest of the world how great it is to be a part of His church. If you want to expand the kingdom, work on the relationships you have with others around you at home, at work, at school, etc. You’ll find that you’re helping spread God’s love to everyone around you.

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