Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Church

How many of you, when you think of church, think of a building? If I asked for a show of hands I’m sure most of you would raise yours, right? We’ve been conditioned over time to think that way by the world. Yet, this isn’t what the church is at all!

You see, the building at NAC is just that...a building. God’s church expands way past those walls. Yes, we are Norwalk Alliance Church and we’re living the call together as we say weekly. That is very true. However we’re a part of something bigger. No, not the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination (although it is bigger, so you’d be right there as well) but instead we’re a part of a world full of believers. That group is gigantic, isn’t it? Here is the very daunting part of that: each one of us is important in that group!

As a part of the church you are asked to go out and teach others about Jesus. Have you been doing your part? Without you, how will the church become stronger? You see, your efforts affect everyone else in the church. If you are to make contact with someone for God, He wants you to do that because He has a plan. Maybe your efforts this time will get them to that relationship. Maybe it won’t today, and instead, someone else’s efforts will accomplish it tomorrow or 20 years down the road. Yet, without you making the efforts as a part of the church we could all fail.

So, as you start to see yourself as a part of something bigger than just our building, I hope that you’ll start to realize your place in the church as a whole. Every contact you make, every ministry you take part in, or every conference you attend means something to all of us. You are not just a low level employee in a huge corporation but instead a part of something bigger than any of us can ever imagine. We will all do great things because you are working for Him. Keep up the good work and continue to strengthen your relationship with Him, and we’ll all grow stronger because of it.

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