Last week I wrote about getting plugged in. I used an example of you being a lamp and needing to be plugged in for your light to shine. I hope that you have done that the entire week since, if not before that point.
Today I want to discuss finding the light. I think the first thing we have to figure out is what the light is. The light is God’s presence. Every day we should be striving to be plugged in to God so that we can do the things that he wants us to be doing in our lives.
So, what happens when you find the light? You’ve finally decided to buckle down and read your Bible every day, pray every day, or something of that sort. Now you start to notice that things have changed in your life. You may have noticed that it’s easier to get through a Monday because it isn’t as bad as the previous Monday had been. You’ve found that some conflicts easily resolved themselves because you had an inner peace that you never had before.
Now think about what it would be like if you continued finding the light every day. Now that you are finding Him in your life, your own personal light is able to shine onto those around you. Let’s go back to the lamp example. A light illuminates not only itself, but the area around it. If it wasn’t for the shade, the bulb would illuminate the whole area around it.
You are the bulb, and that shade is the world getting in the way of your light. In order to get that light to shine onto the lives of others you have to fight to keep that shade out of your way. God wants you to influence those around you, and when they see your light they’ll want the same thing for their lives.
Can you stay plugged in? Can you get that shade out of the way so that your light can shine for others to see?
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