Why is it that we all have such a problem looking away from a car accident? What is it that draws our attention? Do you really want to know if the people are ok, or are you really interested in how badly the cars are mangled?
We can be like this quite often in our day-to-day lives. For example, let’s say you see a drunk person take another drink, and continue watching while he stumbles while walking to see if he will fall. We don’t help him get to where he’s going safely, we watch him fail. We do that more often than you we probably even realize. On the news and in the paper every day is story after story of failure. The positive stories get pushed mostly to the end of both because they aren’t what draw our attention.
What would your life be like if you made God the focus and gave Him all of your attention instead of the above? It’s time to get an eye exam and get your life back into focus. Get focused on what really matters….God!
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