Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Christmas Tree

Well, now most of the hoopla of Christmas is over. The presents have been opened, and the family has hopefully been visited. The wonderful foods have been made and the leftovers are minimal. Some people have even began to take down the decorations at their houses, and if you drive around enough you'll even see a tree or two already on the curb.

Let's focus on that tree on the curb right now. The Christmas tree symbolizes the holiday for many people. They put it up and enjoy it for a few weeks, and as soon as they can they get it out of the house as they don't want that constant reminder around too long. You see, some of those people don't believe in God. What they are celebrating is presents, family, etc. Their celebrations are not as full and they want to sweep it all under the rug as quickly as possible. They celebrate the holiday because the world says they should.

Don't be like those people. I don't care if you take down the decorations the day after Christmas, but I do care if you let God leave your heart as soon as the holiday is over. Christmas is a celebration of Jesus' birth, but it doesn't stop there. He is a part of your life and the lives of the people around you. Don't stop celebrating His life just because the world says you should. Let Christmas live in your heart all year long. Encourage others to do the same. Don't be like the person who dumps the tree at the curb the day after Christmas, keep it up in your heart all year.

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