Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What If?

What if two and a half years ago you decided to stop doing your daily devotions or going to church, knowing that some day you’d come back to it again.

What if two years ago you started a relationship with someone of the opposite sex even though you were married.

What if three months into that relationship your spouse found out, and three months after that the divorce was finalized.

What if six months after that the “other person” decided to leave you.

What if three months after that your kids decided they didn’t want to talk to you any more.

What if today you were working on a project involving power tools and had an accident.

What if you died there all alone in your workshop as there was no one there to hear your cries for help.

Now, what if instead, two and a half years ago you decided to fight back against the Devil and increase your time in His Word.

What if you strengthened your marriage by suggesting to pray with your spouse instead of spending time apart.

What if you spent time with your children playing and teaching them about God.

What happens if you have that accident now….

Every day we are attacked by the Devil one way or another. He tells us that skipping a day of our devotions isn’t a big deal. He tells us that we don’t need to build relationships with our spouse, our children, or our extended families. He tells us that this one day won’t be a big deal and that we can pick it up another time.

What do you think now, is it a big deal? What if you spent more time with God the next time you were attacked? What if you spent more time praying and worshiping Him who deserves our adoration? What would your life be like now?

Sure this may not happen to most of you reading this, but what if something like this did happen? What if you stopped spending time with God on a daily basis? What if.....

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