1) When was the last time you opened the Bible when you weren't at church?
2) When was the last time you actually prayed that person you told that you'd pray for them?
3) When was the last time you prayed with and/or for your spouse (or future spouse as the case may be.)
4) When was the last time you helped someone with anything when it wasn't convenient for you?
5) When was the last time you did something because it advanced His kingdom, and not just your own?
6) When was the last time you read a devotion or a book and actually worked that new knowledge into your day to day life?
7) When was the last time you really gave everything you had into your family? (Be it playing with the kids, teaching the family a moral lesson, etc.)
8) When was the last time you put yourself aside and devoted yourself to mentoring someone that needed to be mentored?
Now, I'm not going to tell you that if you answered this way or that way that you scored so many points, and that certain totals say this or that about you. In fact, I'll be the first to admit (easy since I'm writing this before anyone else can read it) that I can't even answer some of the questions that I've put up there. You may ask what that means...and all I can tell you is that we all have work to do in our spiritual lives.
The goal should be to have the lines that divide our lives into quadrants to be blurred all together. Your life is not your work life, your spiritual life, your home life, etc. Instead it should be just one life: HIS LIFE. If you want to be more like Jesus and know WWJD then work towards having those lines that divide your life blurred and start having answers for the questions above. YOU can make a difference in the kingdom for HIM, and getting there takes one step at a time.
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