Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's Time For A Resurrection!

Today's title is due to my love of the movie Leap of Faith. You gotta see that movie, it's pretty funny.

That is right, it's Easter this Sunday! I know that to many in the world, that means only one thing: The Easter Bunny!

As exciting as the funny bunny ,baskets filled with candy and gifts, and coloring Easter eggs can be, I wanted to make you aware that Mr. Bunny there isn't the reason we have Easter at all.

Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead for everyone one of us. He bridged the gap between us here on earth and our Heavenly Father. He knew that we were all sinners, and yet still was willing to do this for everyone one of us over eating, too much stuff buying, over tanned sinners! (Sorry Lep, had to do it - I'm jealous of the cruise man)

Now, the question for many parents is how do we teach that to our children? How do we show them what it means for Jesus to be placed in a tomb that was closed off to the world and him rise to be with His Father? One thing that we do with our kids is called Resurrection Rolls.

These are not only a great teaching illustration for your kids, but they taste pretty good as well. Now, I did the work for you, and found a web site that you can use to get the directions, which also has what all the parts represent, etc. You can find that here: http://www.dltk-kids.com/recipes/resurrection_rolls.htm. It's very cheap to make and doesn't take that much time either.

Now, I'm not saying this should be the only thing you do to celebrate Easter, but I am suggesting that if you have kids, this is a great teaching tool. Oh, and another great thing you can do with your family. Happy Easter, He Is Risen!

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