Thursday, February 26, 2009


As you may have noticed from all the changes at the NAC website, we've made a few changes here and there. One of those would be the blogs that we now have going, this being one. NAC has asked that the elders blog on things as apparently someone might want to hear what we have to say! So, my plans with the blogs is to just talk about different life topics, from the point of view of myself. I'm into sports, and I feel that spiritually I'm lead to teach on things like marriage, money matters, men's ministries, and worship. I'm really into those subjects as well as many others that I'm not remembering as I type this. So, in the coming weeks I'll work to have more information here for you to look through when you have time. My prayer is that God will be in charge of my fingers when I type, and that those that are to be here and read this will show up. I hope you find this mildly informative, fun, and definitely extremely crazy since that is pretty much the description of me.

God bless!

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