know someone who is getting married this summer, and along with most brides-to-be,
she is working on losing weight. Now she’s already pretty skinny anyway,
but she wants to perfect on her wedding day, and rightfully so. What is
funny to me is how much her will power has improved the closer she gets to the
wedding day. She already ate healthy but would sneak in some candy here
and there in the past. Now, no candy. No coffee. No extra
anything in or on anything she eats or drinks.
struck me the other day is the fact that many of us do the exact same thing in
other parts of our lives. If we really want something, no matter what it
is, we can find a way to make sure it happens. Like my bride-to-be friend
we can eat healthy and exercise more than ever if we want to fit into something
for a special occasion. We all of a sudden can find the money to get that
one thing we just have to have when normally we wouldn’t have it at all.
And we can make time in our busy schedules for something that we really want to
do. But, when those things are not important to us then there just isn’t
any way we can do any of those things.
often do you treat your spiritual life the same way? When you want
something from God is it possible to all of a sudden find more time to
pray? Maybe things have been bad in your life so you start going to
church or a Bible study. Then once you get what you want, or at least it
becomes less important, those things you were doing become things of the
past. The motivation is now gone, and so you go back to how things use to
would your life look like if you were always willing to live for God 100% each
and every day, instead of giving 60% some times, other times 70%, and only
sometimes 100%? Would you see more blessings in your life? Would
you be closer to God? It’s time to open your eyes and evaluate how you
live your life and start living for Him completely each and every day instead
of just when you need something from Him. If you do, just watch and see
what kind of blessings you receive.