Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What’s Holding You Back?

Does anyone remember this ad campaign run by law enforcement in hopes of getting people to wear their seat belts?  This was promoting the seat belt as the way to help keep the user from having major injuries if they are in an accident.

I thought about this the other day when putting on my seat belt.  I was thinking that the slogan could also apply to our spiritual lives.  All too often we allow our busyness to hold us back from God.  We have the kids' events, our own events, work, family, and the list goes on and on. We just allow all of these things in our lives to hold us down from the life that God wants us to live for Him.  I’m not saying that they are bad things, and in fact I’m all in favor of taking part in most of that stuff, but if they keep you from God, then maybe they should be reevaluated.

So, today I just wanted to take a moment and help us all reexamine our lives and make sure that our priority is God.  If we have Him in our lives and make him the priority, then the rest will fall into place.  Don’t allow anything to hold you back from God and what He wants you to be doing with your life.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Potty Training For Your Soul

As anyone who has kids can tell you, most times potty training isn’t easy.  It’s not just pointing your infant towards the toilet and saying go ahead and use it.  Instead there is a lot of training that is involved, from how to sit on the toilet all the way to how to flush and everything in between.  Most of the time the child will do well for a bit, regress a bit, and then finally figure it out, and from that point there isn’t much instruction needed. 

If something like potty training is so difficult, why do we as Christians often act like discipling a new Christian is less work?  While our mission on earth is to go out and make disciples, we often forget that it’s more than just talking to someone, pointing towards heaven, and then walking away.  Discipling a new believer takes time, and we need to be walking alongside the new believer and being there with them the entire way.  If we’re there with them as they start their journey, then they will have someone there to help them if they stumble, someone who will keep them going in the right direction.

When was the last time you helped lead someone to Christ?  Did you stay with them once they accepted Christ into their life, or did you just leave them alone from that point?  Just remember that the job isn’t done when you show them the door to heaven, you have to show them how to walk through it as well.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

If The Shoe Fits – Don’t Buy It!

Have you ever heard someone talking about a purchase they just made and discussing that they “just had to buy it”? What forced them to make the purchase?  Were they facing the barrel of a gun and being forced by the gunman to make that purchase?

The reason I bring it up is because all too often we Americans think that we just have to buy stuff because we saw it at the store, other people have it, or it was on sale. 

Now I have to thank my parents for my love of shopping.  I love to go through the sale ads every week and see all the deals and circle all the stuff that we should buy.  They really taught me how to hunt down a good deal.  But, I’ve found one thing for myself over the years.  Sometimes the best deals are those that you don’t purchase.  If I don’t have the money for shopping, just maybe I shouldn’t be going.  Why step into Kohl’s, Best Buy, or Menards if I don’t have the money to buy anything there?  (BTW – they are all favorite stores of mine, I’m not hating on them at all.)  All we do when walking into a store is tempt ourselves to spend money.

This is where I hit you hard:  YOU NEED TO HAVE A BUDGET.  But, not only do you need to have a budget (even a monkey can be trained to put numbers on paper), you also have to stick to that budget.  If you have $500 for food this month, then you have to find a way to spend only that much on food.  Same thing goes for clothes, gas, and all the other categories!

If you need help working out a budget, then you and I need to talk.  This is a passion of mine, and I’d like to help you get there.  I can show you the principles of doing the budget, and we don’t even have to talk real numbers unless you want.  The thing to know is this:  God doesn’t want you to be in debt.  You are slave to the lender (see Proverbs 22:7) and it’s time to end that relationship and get closer in the most important relationship in your life:  God.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Why Is There An R?

For many years of my life I had trouble with this month we’re in.  You know, the month that starts with an F.  I just couldn’t figure out how to spell it, as it just didn’t make sense to me since no matter who I heard say the name of it, they never pronounced it how it’s spelled.  If that is the case, why is it spelled with that stupid R in it?  Who says Feb-R-uary?  I know I don’t, yet it still has the R there and I just have to deal with it….and at some point in my life I finally gave in and started to spell it like everyone else.

Why do I mention something stupid like the R in February?  Am I that short on material to write about, or is this some kind of joke?  (I know, either could be the answer with me!)  Frankly, I think it’s a simple comparison to some of the lost people in the world.  Many are out there and they just can’t wrap their heads around the idea of Jesus and/or God.  They hear about the miracles that were performed and they just can’t find a logical reason for why they happened.  They try and try to rationalize if there really is even a need for God in their lives (like I did if there is a need for that R in February), and they think that if their way is good enough, there is no need to change.

What if we could go out there and provide them with the answer for why God is needed in their lives?  What if you and I could show them that not only is He needed, but He should be the focal part in their lives?  Like the R in February that to me at one point in my life made no sense, God is the same to many in the world.  He’s there as a part of the whole, and they think they can do without Him.  Yet, in order for their lives to be whole they need Him more than they’ll ever know.

Who will you help show them the reason for God in their lives?