Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Step Over the Line of the Box

Over the years one of the biggest buzz words in the business world has had to do with a box. People are now supposed to think “outside the box”, however not too much or you’ll be called crazy. Have you ever wondered what “the box” really is?

I think that “the box” is that comfort zone that we all live in that we’re all familiar with and can easily move around in on a day to day basis. We have certain people we can talk to without any problems, certain places we can go and know them well, etc.

Today I’d like to challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and get out of “the box”. We often get so darn comfortable that we miss opportunities to witness to others in the world because we don’t think or look outside of that box. Now I’m not going to tell you how to do this, but instead just ask you to look for opportunities. There is a whole big world out there and God didn’t just ask us to only evangelize those in the box with us. He wants everyone reached with the gospel, and in order for that to happen we have to step over the imaginary lines we put in our lives and reach for those in the world who do not know Him yet.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Temperature Settings

Does anyone really understand the weather? Let’s just examine the last few weeks. The first week of October was rainy and cold, and we all started to prepare ourselves for the upcoming winter. Then, the next week it was warm and almost like spring was coming once again. Last week it wasn’t overly warm, but it wasn’t cold. In fact, it was actually fall for a change.

So what does any of this have to do with anything? Well, I think it’s very easy to relate this to our own lives. Have you ever found yourself on fire for Jesus, only a day or two later to be cold again? Then you get warm for a few days, only to cool off again?

Unfortunately, I think this is entirely normal. Life throws us curve balls and finds all kinds of ways to distract us. Yet, you do have to find a way to keep that core temperature rising and keep it warm in your spiritual life as much as possible.

Much like turning on the furnace keeps your house warm in the winter, you need to have the same kind of set-up for your spiritual life. Find a way to keep the fire burning. If the one source of heat isn’t burning as much as it did before, find another source. The goal is still the same. Maybe last week listening to a certain CD got you going, but this week it doesn’t. Instead you start reading a certain area of the Bible that keeps the fire burning. As long as the focus is on God, you will be rewarded.

So, enjoy the temperature changes outside, as before long it’s going to be cold, the snow will be falling, etc. Just don’t let those changes affect your spiritual life. Find new ways to keep the fire burning, and keep that spiritual thermostat set high – it’ll cost you a lot less than those gas company bills will!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Confession

I have a confession to make to all of my readers. You see, for quite some time I’ve been very addicted to something that I just can’t shake. This is an addiction that I can’t just go to meetings for and get all better. It’s one of those things that has been a part of my life for quite some time, and there are still times that I don’t know how to deal with it because it can really control me. It often impairs me from seeing everything that is in front of me and instead only focuses me on the addiction.

You see, I’m addicted to being a follower of Christ. I’m addicted to living my life the way He wants me to and showing others in the world what it’s like to be a part of His Kingdom. The relationship (or addiction) I have with Him is always on my mind and controls all of what I do every day.

Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful thing to be addicted to? Have you ever thought of your relationship with God as an addiction? At least this isn’t an addiction you’d want to get rid of, right? This is an addiction that instead you wish would grow more and more every day.

I dare you to confess to the world your addiction to Christ. Show everyone what it’s like and how powerful the relationship you have can be. Take a stand and declare it from the mountain tops so that all may hear. The world needs more people brave enough to confess their love of the Lord. Can you get addicted and hook others as well?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

All Show, No Go

The other day I was following behind a car for awhile on my way to one place or another. As I was following it, I had opportunity to look at the car and one thing stuck out at me. They had a Jesus fish on the back of the car. I first thought it was cool, although uncommon around Norwalk. Then, as I looked further at the car, the owner had a bumper sticker that I found a tad bit offensive, though I’m not going to say more about it in order to not incriminate someone who just may be reading this.

At this point I was wondering who this person really is. Are they a Christian, as they tried to show they were, or are they more in line with the bumper sticker? Although I may never know who the car’s owner is, or what he really stands for, I did start to examine my own life and get something to take away from this event.

First off, it’s very easy to wear a garment, put up a sign, quote the bible on Facebook, or even have something on your car that expresses your faith to the world. However, it’s entirely different to live the life that you are professing to have. Remember that the world will see that quick glimpse of who you profess to be, but the long lasting impression will be from the way you actually live your life. the way you actually live your life.

Next time you do any of the above things to show the world what you believe, make sure that you are living that way too. The truth is out there for all to see, and you don’t want to be a “generic Christian”, which Pastor Bruce described very well this past Sunday. God bless.