Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thank You

As I was trying to think of something to write about going into the Thanksgiving weekend, I kept going back in my head to a song that I've known for years. I couldn't think of a better way of celebrating Thanksgiving in this blog than to put the words to that great song in front of you today. Now the song doesn't give direct thanks to God, but it does to someone who was doing His work, and that alone should be motivation to us all. I hope you enjoy.

Thank You for Giving To The Lord
Music & Lyrics by Ray Boltz

I dreamed I went to Heaven, you were there with me.
We walked upon the streets of gold beside the Crystal Sea.
We heard the angels singing, then someone called your name.
You turned and saw this young man, and he was smiling as he came.
He said, "Friend you may not know me now," and then he said, "But wait -
You used to teach my Sunday School, when I was only eight.
And every week you would say a prayer before the class would start.
And one day when you said that prayer,
I asked Jesus in my heart."

Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am so glad you gave.
Then another man stood before you, he said "Remember the time,
A missionary came to your church, His pictures made you cry.
You didn't have much money but you gave it anyway.
Jesus took that gift you gave
And that's why I'm in Heaven today"

Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am so glad you gave.
One by one they came, far as your eyes could see.
Each life somehow touched by your generosity.
Little things that you had done, sacrifices that you made,
They were unnoticed on this earth
In Heaven now proclaimed.

Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am so glad you gave.
And I know up in Heaven you're not supposed to cry
But I am almost sure there were tears in your eyes
As Jesus took your hand and you stood before the Lord
He said "My child look around you,
Great is your reward."

Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord,
I am so glad you gave,
I am so glad you gave.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I have a friend who has their youngest child finishing off their high school career this year. Recently this child was awarded a number of awards for sports which really hasn’t been uncommon for the kids in this family. They have truly been blessed with a healthy family that is good both academically and athletically.

When I heard about the recent accomplishments of this child I started to think to my own family. I started to think on the fact that we’re beginning that journey with our kids and the accomplishments they are striving towards, etc. I started to think about how Noah’s team won their division in baseball this year and how I felt that day as he got his trophy. I was so proud of all that he accomplished and how he really stepped up to lead the other kids on that team and teach them to be better players. I began to think of what may be to come for all 3 kids both athletically and academically in the future and how much fun this journey is going to be.

That thought process then took me another step further. I started to think what it’s like as a parent to have those accomplishments displayed in a house. The pride one must feel when they walk by that area dedicated to showcasing all that has been done by one’s children.

Of course, I didn’t stop there….my thought process went towards our Heavenly Father. Can you imagine what His “wall/mantle” looks like with all the accomplishments of His children? The person who lead 20 people to Christ in the past year? How about that trophy for the person who talked about God for 15 years to their neighbor and were able to lead that person to Christ last week? How about that one for the Pastor who faithfully lead his flock for 5 years then went on to another church? Oh, and that great looking certificate for the missionary who has worked for 35 years in another country spreading the gospel – man, that thing is impressive!

What have you done lately for your place on His wall/mantle? He wants to have your accomplishments on display for all to see! He is already a proud Father and loves to have you as one of His children and is so proud of you. Yet, I’m pretty sure that every time He sees that accomplishment that you have done in promoting His kingdom He has a great feeling of pride for being your Father. He knows every time you pray for someone else, every time you read the Bible or do a devotional. He knows when you talk with others about Him. He loves to show all the angels in Heaven what you have accomplished. It’s not hard to be up there with everyone else….all you have to do is accept Christ into your life and promote this same thing to others.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I tell you what, we’re coming up on one of my favorite times of the year. I just love Thanksgiving and Christmas time as most people really start to focus on family. There are tons of events to go to and time spent with others. Most people seem to be in a better mood, even here in Ohio where it’s freezing cold most of the time.
With that said, I’m sure you’re starting to wonder why I titled the blog the way I did. Well, with this time of year comes Christmas shopping. It’s the time when we all fight through the crowds and get stuff to show others how much we care about them. Now, I cherish these events so don’t take what I’m about to say the wrong way. I love to give gifts to others. I love the look on someone’s face as they get that very thoughtful or desired gift. I also love to get gifts and gain new things. But, let me stop right there for a minute…
You see, I want to remind everyone today that in the long run those gifts are mostly just stuff that fills our lives in one way or another. These are items that we didn’t have before and are probably not really needs but more or less wants. Yes, some gifts do fill a need that you had, or you wouldn’t have asked for it. But, most items are more like the add-ons that you purchase with a vehicle. I mean, do you need power windows and doors? Probably not, but they are nice to have. Same thing with the A/C and cruise control, right? The same thing goes for the stuff that we get at the holidays. Do you need a new set of Japanese steak knives, or did you want them? Do they somehow improve your quality of life (other than when eating steak?)?
As we head into the holidays this year I wanted to put everyone to the test this year. I want to challenge you to look at the stuff in your life that the world says you should need. Look at those things and see if they are helping you get to God, or keeping you apart from Him. Do they eat up the time you could spend with Him or for His Kingdom? If you really wanted to give someone a gift, maybe the best thing you could give them is your time. Maybe that time allows you to get Jesus into their lives or helps them get a better relationship with Him.
I’m not saying that this year you shouldn’t give the fun little gifts that you have a knack for giving. What I want to stress is that this year, if you haven’t already, start to look for gifts that can keep on giving. Give a friend a coupon to baby-sit their kids for a night so they can spend time with their spouse, getting them closer to each other and God at the same time. Give your children your time and attention, playing that game you give them this Christmas. Give your parents the love that your Heavenly Father shows you daily. All of these gifts can multiply themselves and also be paired with that item you find on Black Friday. (I’ll be out there with you other nut cases as I have been for the past 16 years.) Gift the gift of Jesus into the lives of everyone you contact, and this year your gift won’t just be on the shelf with the other stuff you’ve given before.

Monday, November 2, 2009

What a Waste...

Have you ever not given something to someone because you know all they are going to do is ruin what you are giving them? How about a little kid? You know that they aren’t old enough to handle the responsibility of having a Nintendo DS for example. When they ask for it over and over again you tell them that you will give it to them when they get older and are mature. You are afraid that they might waste the opportunity and eventually break the item.

Now, let’s take that another step….Have you ever done that with the Gospel in regard to people around you? Have you ever not gone up to someone because you just know they aren’t going to get it or it’ll just be a waste of your time? What if God did that with you? If he waited until we were all “ready” to be exposed to Christianity how many of us wouldn’t be a part of his Kingdom now?

Just like with the child you aren’t sure of giving the item to, if He wanted us to wait until others were “ready” then many would never be saved. Sometimes the person you approach will waste what you are giving, but I’m guessing that it’s never really a waste of your time and effort. God is just preparing their hearts and the exposure to Him is always good for them. Just like the food that you prepare, sometimes it’s ready the first time when you check on it, but often you have to put it back in after checking because it’s just not ready yet.